Indian King Fisher model Poonam Pandey has posted some racy pictures of her exclusively in bikini on Twitter to mark the International bikini day.
Poonam tweeted, "Today is International Bikini Day.. and we r gonna Celebrate this.. will have a Non stop Party here on (sic)."
The Hindustan Times wrote, "As the world celebrates the International Bikini Day, our very own model Poonam Pandey is making merry on Twitter by posting racy pictures of herseelf- exclusively in a bikini. @iPoonampandey:and we r gonna Celebrate this.. will have a Non stop Party here on Twitter."
"@iPoonampandey: As its #InternationalBikiniDay we will have Loads pix on its way ... #PoonamPandeyDay.
"Not just that, she has more to offer. On a suggestion of a fellow 'tweep', she now wants to rename the day as the Poonam Pandey Day, starting a bikini revolution.
"She tweeted, 'Why not name this International Bikini Day as - #PoonamPandeyDay or The Poonam Pandey Bikini Revolution."
She has promised her fans that she will post more pictures during the day.